Saturday, March 7, 2009

Laundry is spinning

Friday had the laundry room nearly sheeted, the soffits (sp?) done covering all the drain/water pipes/lines. The floor has been redone as well!Today my dear hubby passed up a day of snow machining on the mountain to stay home and get this part done. Wall behind the appliances was pieced in ... and while I was checking end caps at Target (I really was at a meeting for several hours first :) ), with the help of the boys he cleaned up, spread some paint and moved in the washer/dryer. It may be a bit before all the shelving is in the way we want it. We're going to bead board the ceiling ... vinyl the floor ... and organize!
But in the meantime ... the kitchen timer is set so I can run and switch laundry loads when they're done. And there is a very good reason I've not added pictures of the other side of this room. Voi etta. It is quite a disaster.

Timer is ringing ... another load done! :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

oh that is awesome!! it always ends up looking smaller when you get the walls done hey? but it is still 4 times the size of mine! you're getting there!!
