Sunday, December 13, 2009

Adult Christmas Party

With great numbers of little people (babies) present and big people wall to wall.

Singing Christmas hymns.

We had gift exchanges. The guys bring White Elephant gifts and the gals brought either a coffee cup, socks or ornament. There were 55 gifts brought and not all brought gifts. As evidenced by the shoe pile ... there were a lot of of us there! Next years party may need some extra planning. I think we're outgrowing houses, but a home is such a warm place to be together.

Eric & Katrina visiting with Kelly.

Little Miss Photographer was a busy girl!

Alisa and her little love.

I would have loved to be standing outside the window listening to the singing. It had to be absolutely beautiful. I brought along some Finnish Christmas music as well and some of us gathered around the piano and sang. It completes any evening for me. To me, not much sounds more beautiful than Christmas songs in Finnish.

Miss Vivian finds a perch on Aunty Ambers growing shelf in which is growing a little playmate for Vivian. Mom Renae looking on.

We ate until we were beyond full. Riisi puuroa, bars, fudge, salads, crockpot meats, deserts that begged you to come back while the waistline complained.
A beautiful way to start the Christmas season festivities.


Forstie said...

looks like a fun party! who's house was it at?

Anita said...

The party was at Ross & Denise's house. Was really nice.

Anonymous said...

Wow! Looks like you all had a fun time. Don't know if there is a couples party here this year, time seems to be running out. Christmas program was last night, sure enjoy those kids. Can't wait for the family to start arriving, haven't gotten a thing baked, but many hands will make it go soooo much faster and be a whole lot more fun. The kids have ice skates now, just need to get them sharpened and see if the pond near here is still covered with snow. Have gotten more snow, but now it is starting to get warm and has the ugly spring snow look. Hope there is some left for the AZ grandkids to enjoy. Have a great week!
