- Anna went to high school this year and found her classes (thanks to everyone who helped her out)
- Brock is going to a different school this year ... and found that the lunch line takes 30 minutes to navigate. Time to bring your own.
- Tia is the only one left in Middle School this year. How did this happen? 1 in college and 3 in high school. She'll do fabulous. Day #1 homework was done. We're on a roll. Let's hope we can stay there!
- Alyx starts her last year in High School. I remember the itch of senior year. Ready to be DONE. I was not a studious student ... by any stretch of the imagination. It will be a busy year for Miss Alyx.
- The mother of these kids did not do those cute little "going to school pictures" that I see other places. Her kids haven't posed for those things in years. And yesterday the mom was gone before the kids. No chance to even sneak such a photo. (especially when I would have needed a flash to sneak it with ... no bright streaming sunlight here at 6:30 in the morning at this time of year)
- We took the 2nd trip out for school supplies last night. How many binders can one household use? And where did last years binders go? They were so well used that they no longer exist. I hope we're done with the school supply aisle for a little while.
- Next ... start Christmas shopping?
I have one tomato turning red in the greenhouse. Can you believe it? ONE! I bought 4 tomato plants from the FFA plant sale. They weren't pricey ... but there are 4 of them. Last year I bought 2 Topsy Turvy planters and ordered them online. WalMart wasn't selling them last year. I think the price tag rang in at somewhere around $24.95. Then I added potting soil ... and mind you, I'm a Miracle Grow girl.
All for one tomato ... one CHERRY tomato. Others are finally cropping up and growing. I don't know how large they're going to grow ... but I see them! Almost makes me want to count.
And this bugger that I took a picture of just for you. I thought people planted marigolds to ward of pesky critters in their gardens. I planted mine in a container just for fun. The plants outside are nearly done growing and producing ... and the Protecter Plant ... is still working on blooming! It is well over knee high .. might be waist high on a shorter person. Could nearly be a corn stalk on an even shorter sort! I do have one that bloomed and the blossoms are huge. Massive. This one ... makes me think of a sponge that is about to bust out of it's wrapping.
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