Tuesday, September 22, 2009

After being sick on Sunday

Tia went to school yesterday and did just fine. Alyx and Anna are both going to school today. Anna is gone already on the bus. Alyx doesn't have class 'til 9 o'clock. Which is why I'm on the computer and not on the couch. I'm home today. Muddled my way through yesterday, came home and grabbed a 20 minute nap while dinner was in the oven ... and went to the concert. After I get Alyx to school today ... I'm calling vitamin C and couch time ... for the rest of the day. Let's hope I feel livelier tomorrow.

On to the concert. First of all, my pictures stink. It is impossible for me to get decent pictures inside. Let alone when I'm not remotely close to the subjects. That usually doesn't help either. I just like my camera in my hands outside. Period. But the concert was fabulous ... as always. We start each concert with the Plege of Allegiance. Amazing hey? There are still places left in this country that place this country under God.

A sixth grade band (or any first year band playing together) always amaze me. The first concert of the year means that they've only been playing as a group for 5 weeks ... and Mr. Lambert expects alot out of them ... and you can tell. I always love the end of the year concert the best. Seeing how they've progressed makes me just giggle.

I couldn't help myself. Blurry photo or not ... this was fun to watch. This little kiddo had mom's camera, big sis's help and very tired arms by the time he was done. Watching the image in his view finder was the most fun. I felt like I was bobbing on a ship out at sea. Wonder what kind of pictures he got. :)

Last, and most certainly by far my favorite, was the 7th and 8th grade band. I wonder why?! I recorded pieces of their last musical piece on my cell phone. Will see if I can figure out how to get a small snippet on here. It was super fun. They did awesome ... even if a number of them were out sick.

I probably won't have too many more of these concerts in my life. We'll thoroughly enjoy the next several years of them! Along with the new shoes ... new leggings to wear under the skirt ... the "gotta have" things. It's what makes us girls!

Back later .. I promise. I have to hit the bank today and I'm doing it with the camera. Do you think they'll wonder what's going on? Really. The snow is on the mountain. Was snowing and raining as the guys were out tromping in the bush after moose yesterday. No moose. (Better really start watching Fred Meyer meat sales.) But snow there was! The mountain tops are white. I hope the clouds aren't covering them today. They're awesome!

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