over the weekend. I wasn't on the committee that put the craft show together and felt like I really didn't contribute a thing by the time the item were brought into the Wasilla Senior Center, but it was so much fun getting everything set up. It looked fabulous! Many creative minds working together to display items. The prices were a tad bit on the low side ... and that is an understatement. However, the goal was to establish the "home market" and get the items sold. It worked. I am not a great garage sale person. I like them, I just don't like hauling home all the junk I manage to when I stop at them. I'm going to start accumulating anything I can to help out for the next one. I'm sure I have plenty of corners in the basement where I can tuck all kinds of treasures for refinishing.
I would have never thought of doing this! We've repainted half the girls room and this would look fantabulous in there. It was gone by the time we were allowed to shop ... and then even later when I finally got there. We let the public do their shopping until 2 pm and then we were allowed to go in and shop ourselves. Worked well ... though many of us were busily eyeing things all evening while setting up.

Fun! Fun! Fun!
In other great news ... we manged to get another set of 4 wheels over the weekend. Yes!! Brock has become very frustrated lately and I can't count the number of times I've heard, "I wish Dad wasn't such a Finn." I hope anyone reading this isn't offended. Let me tell you ... he is a tight wad when it comes to something. He would prefer someone sell a car with 2,000 miles on it for $20. Makes car shopping difficult. He did find one on Craig's List Sunday morning and it's now in our yard. Reminds me of dating days. :) I'll have to share a picture and you might understand.
Off to work I go. I get to celebrate 2 Fridays this week. Today would be the first. I'm off tomorrow (am liking this day off every other week but will surely not accumulate PTO this way!) to bring kids to the dentist. We'll play dentist run nearly all day long. Last time we did this, Jenny and I visited in the waiting room all day. Anyone care to join me tomorrow? Anna turns 15 tomorrow as well. Fitting way to celebrate ... don't you think?
all the stuff looks so neat! I wasn't able to blow the pictures up tho to really get a good look. I love the frame hanging thingy!! I might have to do one of these for my room, and have six frames haniging off it. I will start looking for wood frames at garage sales!! fun!
I sure wish I was joining you at the dentist again!!
Looks like some beautiful items there for sale!!! Our craft sale is this Sat., hopefully I have a chance to run there, will have out of town company at the end of the week, soooo?? Juha and some of the kids are in AZ for a few days, coming back tomorrow or Thurs. Our snow is gone, temps back up in the upper 50's. Yukon is back in operation, just in time for the winter driving! Our house has onions strategically placed also, one in each bedroom, schoolroom and a couple in the main living area. So far we have been healthy!!!!! Am wondering if one will work for the whole season, or do they need to be replaced periodically, any ideas? Ours have been collecting germs for about a month now.
Thank goodness the Yukon is up and running. Our Tahoe needs work now. Keeps life challenging!
I don't know if the onions are working or not, but so far so good in the feeling good department. Have the sniffles going on but may be the wind, no sleep, or any number of things! Good for sinus drainage. I have no clue about the onion switching. I'm guessing that if they work and keep us from going to the doctor, missing work or being generally miserable it probably won't hurt to change them every month. I'll have to ask around and see if anyone has any suggestions. Add Change Onion next to Mortgage Payment on the monthly to do list. :)
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