Monday, January 18, 2010

Nightmarish dreams

I am not an interpreter of dreams. I rarely remember them. Somehow my inner clock knows to quite dreaming before the alarm starts ringing in the morning and I rarely manage to wake up in the middle of one.

Except Saturday morning.

Jari left shortly after 6 a.m., I crawled back into bed knowing that the alarm would ring at 7. I promptly shut it off and went back to sleep. At 8 I bolted upright in the middle of what would almost be called a nightmare.

In my dream ... I woke up and went outside the house. I had donned a nice warm sweatshirt (or layers of them as I usually wear) and headed next door to have a morning "visit" with Ronda, who lived next door. The front of her house had this nice big porch with a rail around it. It was missing the rocking chairs and potted plants. :) I was positively horrified. It was 3:40 in the afternoon. My entire household was still sleeping in. We had a wedding to be at that started at 6 pm. As I was trying to explain to Ronda why were still sleeping, Blayde came out of "my" house and asked, "Do we have any clean white plates?" Let me explain. My regular dinnerware is white. When the white are in the dishwasher at dinner time, we haul out china. Only the white plates hit the dishwasher. Only the white plates hit the microwave. Am assuming that he was looking for something microwavable.

So, what does this all mean? I'm stressed out about the dishes not being done? We've been sleeping in much too often around here? I had too many late nights the weekend before?

Maybe it means I need a few nights with a few more hours of sleep.

On that note ... good night!

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