Sunday, March 27, 2011

Did I do anything but eat?

I just looked at the pictures I'm uploading and realized that I've done nothing but eat all weekend! No wonder the "fat pants" are getting to feel like skinny pants. Seriously. And they aren't the stretch variety either.

I am nearly ashamed to admit this. I sent more than a few jars of jelly down to the Lower 48 for Christmas. Without trying a single one. I finally opened the Raspberry & Currant Jelly this weekend. I was pleasantly surprised! I like it!

Pulla is a staple around here. I really like the knots that are full of cinnamon and sugar, however, even a braid will do. Easier and less mess ... and I make the dough in the bread machine. Just take out the dough when it's done and whip up a few braids. Raise and bake. Even twice a week is easy enough to do .... 

and keeps my hubby in shape! (Don't you just love the plate?)

We spent our Saturday afternoon visiting with Charlie, Charisse and boys. A trip to Walmart in the evening. I don't know what else we did. The laundry room saw me for a while and actually looks like it. Took a look out in the cabin and decided that I wasn't interested in cleaning out there. Turned around, locked the door and left it. It was just one of those kinds of Saturdays.

And then there is Sunday. A day that we like to spend a part of on the phone. Not that I ever run out of minutes on my cell phone, but catching up during the week gets challenging. Especially with time zone differences. A few chats today. And then there is the visit via iphone. What on earth is this world coming to?! I guess it gives me a chance to share my ice cream and brownie sundae with homemade hot fudge ... with Frans in Phoenix. It really is cruel .. I know.

We played some of this. I lost. We've exhausted the Monopoly Deal craze for the moment. This week it has been Rummikub among other things.

Being as I love trying out new recipes on other folks ... I tried a Potato Cheddar Soup today made with hashbrowns. They liked it. That's always good. I also tried making bread bowls. I was not impressed. Will try it again with a different bread recipe. These turned out heavier than I would have liked. 

And then there are the littles. That are quickly growing to be the bigs.
My little had the camera again today. Thank goodness. She really needs her own one of these days.


Joni said...

Your pulla braids look so yummy!! Brianna and I plan to make pulla tomorrow .... probably the twist and knot, cinnamon and sugar ... with big sugar on top. No, not good for diets, but ... have to make them every now and then just to keep in practice! :-)

Jenny said...

Frans was telling me about the brownies and ice cream when I asked what you all talked about! So I asked him if he was jealous that Jari had a wife who made brownies/goodies and always had them on hand for him to enjoy! I spent the day in bed sick while you all were enjoying your goodies :(

