Friday, February 13, 2009

It's Friday!!!

Thank goodness.

For some reason, this has been the longest week in history. On Tuesday I had to remind myself that it wasn't Thursday. Was not a good sign. So today we were done early at work and I said "I'll go home". Can't have extra staff just sitting around twiddling thumbs. I'll grumble when I see the paycheck, but I'll be thrilled today!

So ... the big dough bowl of mine is full of pulla dough that is rising. Might get me out of doing that tomorrow if I get it done today.

I think I got my Valentine's gift from my dear hubby yesterday. I love flowers. I love cards. I eat too much chocolate at work ... don't need anymore of that. What I love most of all are the little things. Remember that laundry pile of mine that was doubling in size every time I looked at it? I've been busy backing up pictures on cd's and scrapbooking between it all. Doesn't leave much time for the laundry pile. I came home from work yesterday and went to drop something off in our bedroom. On the bed was 2 huge piles of clean laundry. Dear hubby did 6 loads of laundry yesterday. The best kind of roses that a person can ever receive. Ain't he just the sweetest thing ever?

I need to go wake up Alyx ... she's working shortly and needs to get rolling on out of here. She likes these naps too. We're all a fan of them. I'm trying real hard to not put my head on the pillow right now. If I could be certain that it would be only 30 minutes, maybe I'd go for it, but I'd probably lose an entire hour.

29 degrees outside and I should really go for a walk instead. It is beautiful!! The silhouette of the mountains are visible when I head to work. Not to the point of being able to drive without headlights yet, but dawn is certainly starting to light the sky at 7:45 in the morning. Bring on the vitamin D ... maybe that will take care of the nap problem.

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