Wednesday, October 7, 2009

There is nothing quite like

sitting out on the porch late in the evening. Maybe 1030ish at night and all is quiet. The world is incredibly dark at that time of night. Can't see anything no matter how hard you try ... and you listening to the crackling of branches. I know what is making the noise but am unable to see them. The other evening they were rather noisy. Blayde got in from school and I had him come outside and just listen quietly. The outside cabin light was off ... and there is nothing to tell you what is between the house and the cabin. He wasn't too anxious to head out there. The moose have been bedding down behind the cabin for a while now. And they've been hiding.

Last summer we had fun watching them grow as they came back on a regular basis. These are the little critters that visited in June.

Yesterday they were back again while I was at work. Oh my, they have grown.

If they had come back when we first trimmed the trees and added them to the pile ... the feasting would have been much easier!

Sorry, guys, the broccoli is history.

You'll just have to find something else to nibble on instead.

Aren't they just something else?!

In other great news. Hubby is home again after his visit to Arizona. The boys picked him up from the airport late last night. Great to have him home again. I'll have to share some pictures of the treasures he brought home with him. Need to haul out the camera and forage through things ... at the same time.
The trees are nearly naked today. The wind is blowing and only a few of the most stubborn leaves are left on the trees. I'll share those later this week as well.


Anonymous said...

"there's a chocolate moose on the loose!" or if that won't get you singing, how abou: "hey mr. moose, tell me did you know, your antlers are gone, where did they go?" Where were you taking these pictures from? they are great! Bet it is wonderful having the hubby home:)

Anita said...

Anna took pictures from inside, but I think Brock took these pictures outside. Long lens helps!

Joyce said...

WOW ... awesome pictures!!

Anonymous said...

You always have so much fun - or make every attempt to make it that way no matter what:) Samuli looks like he fits right in~ Fun that you have him:)
